Friday, April 20, 2007

What's Going On???

So what's been going on around here?
Tuesday was Andrew's 16th birthday. I still can't believe my oldest "baby" is growing up. We were able to celebrate with a few of his friends and their fathers. It was a really special time and I'm glad that he has the kind of relationship with his father that he was willing to include him and the fathers of his other friends as well in his birhtday. I'm very thankful for the son that the Lord has given us. He's a very special, talented young man and we look forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do with his life.
Wednesday morning 6 men from our home church came to participate in an evangelistic campaign that my husband and Bro. Heinz are coordinating. 3 of the guys are staying with us and 3 with the Heinz family. The first day was kind of rainy so they got off to a slow start but it finally cleared up and today was a beautiful day. Last night we took our 3 visitors to Pucon where they were able to meet their fellow brothers in Christ. We had a good service with Bro. John Nadaskay preaching. We also had 100% attendance which was a blessing as well. We've had a lot of fun with our visitors. We are not sleeping much and as long as I have a pot of coffee ready in the morning and after every meal we all get along just fine!! Please pray for the work they are doing here in Chile that it will bear much fruit.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all are having a great time! All of the updates/pictures have been so exciting. Keep them coming...we enjoying hearing about and praying for your work down there!

Rachel said...

Sounds like ya'll are having a great time!!!

Anne said...

I'm praying for y'all Michelle... with 3 extra guys in the house, I'm sure that's added to your workload, but I'm also sure the fellowship is sweet for your whole family!

Anonymous said...

Hello Family, I have read all of your blogs and loved them. Keep up the good work! Happy late birthday Andrew, I love you. I have been fasting and praying about all my loved ones and God's will for our lives. I praise him and thank him for his mercy and his love.MOM